Sama Baby Blog

Two young entrepreneurial sisters making a difference with a fashion forward organic cotton baby clothing!

Organic Eggs: Worth the Cost? July 14, 2010

As an office of vegetarians, we need to know the truth about our eggs! A recent Time magazine article got it wrong when it proclaimed organic eggs are no healthier than factory-farmed eggs, and here’s why. (source

Don’t be mislead: There are good reasons to choose organic eggs.

Organic eggs are no healthier than factory-farmed eggs and are thus not worth the extra costs, concludes an article recently run in Time magazine. But the article’s author is missing some major benefits of organic eggs—such as the fact that they’re higher in omega-3 fatty acids, are free of antibiotic residues, and contain no arsenic, which is added to factory-farmed chicken-feed to prevent infections and spur growth.

The article was based on a new U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) study finding that different production methods—factory-farmed, cage-free, and free-roaming—all met the same quality standards.

Yet, the author’s conclusions that organic eggs are no healthier than conventional, and that the way they’re raised is dangerous and not worth the added cost, run far afield of the research, misinterpreting the study’s primary finding.

#1: The test used in the USDA study is a measure of egg quality, not nutrition. The study used something called the Haugh unit, a scale between 0 to 110 that basically lets producers know whether or not the egg is stale (the lower the number, the lower the quality).  The Time article made the assumption that Haugh unit is somehow indicative of nutritional value, when in fact, the USDA’s definition of Haugh unit mentions nothing about an egg’s nutritional content.

#2: “Free-roaming” and “cage-free” aren’t the same as “organic.” The USDA study didn’t specify organic as one of the production methods they studied, but the author continually refers to “organic” eggs as though the authors had. Unlike “USDA Organic,” “free-range” and “cage-free” are unsubstantiated claims that aren’t verified by independent third parties—any producer can slap those labels on a carton of eggs without any evidence that his or her chickens roam free or live outside cages.

#3: Shell color doesn’t matter. On this one point, the author is right. “Another mistake some health-conscious consumers make…is believing that the color of an egg makes a difference and that brown shells are somehow better than white ones. They’re not. Color is determined entirely by the breed of chicken laying it,” he writes. And that’s true. But store-bought eggs generally come from one type of chicken, while organically raised eggs you might find at a farmer’s market come from different heritage breeds.

WHAT YOU CAN DO: Look for the USDA Organic seal, and find a local farmer who can attest to healthy living conditions for his poultry.

These are just some of the mail points found in the article TO read the entire article CLICK HERE

Balance, Serenity, Fashion, SAMA


The Extraordinary McGinley Family! June 8, 2010

While you may not recognize John McGinley’s name right off the bat, you’re sure to know his face. With more than 50 impressive movies to his credit including Platoon, Wall Street, Born on the Fourth of July, Seven, Any Given Sunday and more, he’s quite an accomplished actor. But his latest and most favorite project to date is his role as the quirky Dr. Perry Cox on NBC’s Emmy-award winning comedy Scrubs. John  McGinley-A Funny Dad Getting a Million Dollar Return

In real life, it’s the leadership role of Dad to son, Max, born with Down syndrome, that McGinley takes most seriously. “I’m just completely in love with Max,” he says. “He just completely redefines my universe. He’s just a stunningly beautiful little boy.”

When Max was born, McGinley says he immediately hit the books to learn everything he could about Down syndrome, and his expertise today is remarkable. He’s an active advocate for Max, working to give him opportunities to help him develop and acquire the mental and physical skills that he needs. “The learning curve is through the roof on picking up on all this kind of stuff,” says McGinley.

John  McGinley-A Funny Dad Getting a Million Dollar ReturnMax does a variety of therapeutic activities every week including horse back riding, gymnastics, trampoline work and much more. McGinley says that trampoline therapy, for example, helps develop Max’s connective tissues and adjusts him to “banging movements” with which Down syndrome children often have difficulty. “It’s phenomenal,” he says. “He loves to jump. Plus, it’s tons of fun.”

SO many children are effected by Down Syndrome today, we have to do our part to support research and spread awareness!

The Facts About Down Syndrome

According to the National Down Syndrome Society:

  • One in every 800 to 1000 babies is born with Down syndrome.
  • There are more than 350,000 people living with Down syndrome in the United States.
  • Down syndrome is the most commonly occurring genetic disorder.
  • At age 30, a woman has a one in 900 chance of having a child with Down syndrome. By age 40, the likelihood increases to one in 100.

Then on February 3rd 2008, Actor John C. McGinley, 48, and his wife Nichole, an ashtanga yoga teacher and birthing doula, have welcomed their first child together, a daughter. Billie Grace McGinley. Weighing in at 8 lbs and 21 inches long, Billie was delivered in a birthing tub by Nichole, with the assistance of a midwife, in their Malibu, CA home.

The Sama team supports natural birth and the doula community!

**EXCLUSIVE**  "Scrubs" star John C McGinley and wife Nichole Kessler go  tubbing with his son, Max (blue jacket), their daughter, Billie Grace  (toddler), andsome unidentified friends in Big Bear, California. Max,  McGinley's son from his first marriage to Lauren Lambert, has Down's  syndrome. McGinley is a spokesperson for the National Down Syndrome  Society.
This extraordinary family sent a thank you through Jewels and Pinstripes for the birthday gifts recently sent to Billie:
We really enjoy all the beautiful, fun and educational items in our gift bag. Thank you for remembering my birthday and showing me all these cute things!

XO Billie Grace McGinley

For more information on Down Syndrome click here
Balance, Serenity, Fashion, SAMA

Toxic America-If you care about public and environmental health, it’s must-see TV. June 2, 2010

Wednesday and Thursday, June 2nd and 3rd, at 8pm EST, CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta will be airing an eye-opening investigative story: Toxic America. If you care about public and environmental health, it’s must-see TV.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta hosts the two-part program, revealing devastating results from a year-long investigation.

Wednesday night highlights “Toxic Towns” and will delve into the environmental health and justice problems plaguing the community of Mossville, Louisiana. Mossville is not an isolated example, but instead a poster child for a broken chemical safety system.

Thursday night highlights the “Toxic Childhood” and features Healthy Child founders, Jim and Nancy Chuda; Scientific Advisor, Dr. Phil Landrigan; and our “A Wake-Up Story” video. This second part of the series reveals the effect toxics have on unborn babies.

Here’s what you can do:

1. Have your friends over to watch the show on June 2nd and/or 3rd or record the series to share with others in the future.
2. Tell other to watch by using these suggested status updates:
3. Facebook: Will be watching America’s toxic little secrets revealed by CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta on June 2 & 3 at 8pmEST/5pmPST. If you care about public and environmental health, it’s MUST SEE TV!
4. Twitter: MUST SEE TV: CNN special on Toxic America – June 2-3 at 8pmEST/5pmPST – Watch and learn! Plz RT
5. Take Action to help prevent these tragedies by emailing your members of Congress and asking them to support a strong Safe Chemicals Act.
6. Get your friends to stay involved and informed by having them sign-up for the Healthy Child newsletter.
Please join us in tuning in!

Healthy Child Healthy World is a nonprofit organization recognized as tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3)

Balance, Serenity, Fashion, SAMA


Study: ADHD linked to pesticide exposure May 20, 2010

Amazing how everyone is catching on to what we have been aware of for years now! Yet another reason to GO GREEN…. GO ORGANIC!

Detectable levels of pesticides are present in a large number of fruits and vegetables sold in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Detectable levels of pesticides are present in a large number of  fruits and vegetables sold in the U.S., according to the U.S. Department  of Agriculture.

( — Children exposed to higher levels of a type of pesticide found in trace amounts on commercially grown fruit and vegetables are more likely to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than children with less exposure, a nationwide study suggests.
Researchers measured the levels of pesticide byproducts in the urine of 1,139 children from across the United States. Children with above-average levels of one common byproduct had roughly twice the odds of getting a diagnosis of ADHD, according to the study, which appears in the journal Pediatrics.
Exposure to the pesticides, known as organophosphates, has been linked to behavioral and cognitive problems in children in the past, but previous studies have focused on communities of farm workers and other high-risk populations. This study is the first to examine the effects of exposure in the population at large.
Organophosphates are “designed” to have toxic effects on the nervous system, says the lead author of the study, Maryse Bouchard, Ph.D., a researcher in the department of environmental and occupational health at the University of Montreal. “That’s how they kill pests.”
The pesticides act on a set of brain chemicals closely related to those involved in ADHD, Bouchard explains, “so it seems plausible that exposure to organophosphates could be associated with ADHD-like symptoms.”
Environmental Protection Agency regulations have eliminated most residential uses for the pesticides (including lawn care and termite extermination), so the largest source of exposure for children is believed to be food, especially commercially grown produce.
Although kids should not stop eating fruits and vegetables, buying organic or local produce whenever possible is a good idea, says Bouchard.
To read the entire article or for more information on ADHD like the link between drugs and ADHD and What if my child begins showing ADHD symptoms? Click HERE (source
Balance, Serenity, ORGANIC fashion, SAMA

// // knows their stuff! April 5, 2010

Sama Loves!!! Check out why:

TreeHugger is the leading media outlet dedicated to driving sustainability mainstream. Partial to a modern aesthetic, they strive to be a one-stop shop for green news, solutions, and product information. At TreeHugger they know that variety is the spice of life, so you can find all you need to go green in their up to the minute blog, weekly and daily newsletters, weekly video segments, weekly radio show and their user-generated blog, Hugg. They also extend their expertise to companies looking for a little green guidance. Past clients include Domino, Sundance Channel and House & Garden.

Why is TreeHugger Doing This?

Our environment is currently facing huge obstacles that have the potential to seriously disrupt our future and the future of all our fellow flora and fauna friends. Keeping that in mind, TreeHugger also sympathizes with the fact that most people aren’t willing to compromise their current lifestyle in order to improve our shared environment, so they have created a place where you can discover how to maintain or improve your quality of life while reducing your harmful impact on the earth.


green-basics-organic-cotton-fair-trade.jpg has some excellent resources on organic cotton and why it is SO important.  Click here to read more! Also check out the feature they did on Sama Baby Organics here:

Balance, Serenity, Fashion, SAMA


Recent Facts about Organic Cotton- from the OTA March 22, 2010

The Organic Trade Association (OTA) is the membership-based business association for the organic industry in North America. OTA’s mission is to promote and protect organic trade to benefit the environment, farmers, the public, and the economy. OTA envisions organic products becoming a significant part of everyday life, enhancing people’s lives and the environment.

OTA represents businesses across the organic supply chain and addresses all things organic, including food, fiber/textiles, personal care products, and new sectors as they develop. Over sixty percent of OTA trade members are small businesses, like Sama Baby Organics. OTA is a leader in advocating and protecting organic standards so that consumers can have confidence in certified organic production.

Sama Baby has great respect for the OTA, check out these recent facts about our organic product of choice, organic cotton.

According to the fourth annual Organic Exchange Farm and Fiber Report 2009, organic cotton production grew an impressive 20 percent over 2007/08 to 175,113 metric tons (802,599 bales) grown on 625,000 acres (253,000 hectares). Organic cotton now represents 0.76 percent of global cotton production, wow!

Organic cotton was grown in 22 countries worldwide with the Top Ten producer countries being led by India, where Sama clothing is made,  and including (in order of rank) Turkey, Syria, Tanzania, China, United States, Uganda, Peru, Egypt and Burkina Faso.  Approximately 220,000 farmers grew the fiber.

Apparel companies are developing programs that either use 100 percent organically grown cotton, like Sama does,  or blend small percentages of organic cotton with conventional cotton in their products. There are a number of companies driving the expanded use of domestic and international organic cotton. For a current list of OTA members with fiber products, visit The Organic Pages Online™ at

As a result of consumer interest, organic cotton fiber is used in everything from personal care items (sanitary products, make-up removal pads, cotton puffs and ear swabs), to home furnishings (towels, bathrobes, sheets, blankets, bedding), children’s products 🙂 (toys, diapers), clothes of all kinds and styles (whether for lounging, sports or the workplace), and even stationery and note cards. In addition, organic cottonseed is used for animal feed, and organic cottonseed oil is used in a variety of food products, including cookies and chips!

Organics cotton is a fast growing industry that is beneficial to the sustainability of our environment. Sama is a proud advocate of doing what it takes to keep our environment clean, and looking fashionable while we do it 🙂 Check out to dress your little ones in products that you can feel great about, including these denim jeans, available in April.

Balance, Serenity, Fashion, SAMA 


Vice President of Sama Neha Gupta – As Featured in the Alumni Focus of EHS February 12, 2010

Our very own Neha Gupta was featured in her high school paper! They did a spotlight  on her life and success after high school years, her move to New York to work for Coach, and her dedication to Sama Baby Organics. Neha is a strong, inspirational young woman who is a great role model for the current students of ESH.  As head designer of Sama, Neha has been able to follow her dreams and vision of becoming a successful designer.

Read the full article below: Balence, Serenity. Fashion, Sama


Sama Baby was featured on CBB-win it now a $565 value! February 9, 2010

Celebrity Baby Blog knows whats HOT when it comes to Celebrities and their cute little bundles of joy! They give us all the gossip when it comes to the hottest parents on the block, like this:

Brad Pitt and son Maddox Chivan, 8 ½, caught a ride to their skybox at Super Bowl XLIV, held Sunday evening at Sun Life Stadium in Miami Gardens, Fla.

The Jolie-Pitt family’s favorite team, the New Orleans Saints, beat the Indianapolis Colts 31-17.

That is why Sama is so excited to be featured !


Sama Baby Organics is proud to be a part of the Celebrity Girl Birthday Bag!

Now your little princess can receive one of their star-worthy creations. They’re giving away a Celebrity Girl 2-5 Birthday Bag to one lucky reader. And it includes the following items:

  • $100 Gift Certificate from
  • Ladybugs and Lullabies hair clips and gift certificate
  • Little Pim DVD gift set
  • Gift certificate for personalized Mabel’s Labels
  • Toddler Tech (TT) shoes from stride rite
  • One month supply from Vemma NEXT™
  • Shirt Cape by Glammic
  • Fun patterned sport/privacy shorts for girls by Francie Pants
  • Rock star dress by Sama Baby
  • Puppy Love M’uppet Mitts by Zooni
  • Skip Hop mouse zoo pack
  • Little Bites Popsicle Molds by Kinderville
  • Angel Dear puppy curved pillow

Hurry up and enter! Online entries must be received between 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time (“ET”) on 2/8/10 and 11:59 p.m. (ET) on 2/14/10. See Official Rules.

Balance, Serenity, Fashion, SAMA


Thank You Note- From a Houston Sama Fan! February 4, 2010

Today we would like to share some nice words from a loving Houston mom, isn’t her daughter adorable!!  Also, check out her Indian cook book, coming out sometime this year!

Dear Sama Baby,

At my baby shower, I received a gift that elicited a bunch of “ooohs and “ahhhs” from the guests.  A good friend had picked out the Sama baby gown, knotted hat, washcloths and a dress for my baby girl, Jaya.  The washcloths are perfect for her baths, since they are so gentle on her skin, unlike the rough towel-like ones.  I also love the gown, since I can easily check her diaper and change it, and my baby lounges and naps comfortably in the gown. The soft pink color of the gown is beautiful, and the elephant logo is so cute!  The “Raspberry Rose Rock star” dress will be perfect when the weather warms up.

I am from Houston and have an Indian cookbook, Entice with Spice, coming out this year, and I teach Indian cooking classes at Sur La Table, Williams-Sonoma, and Whole Foods.  Right now though, I am taking a break from the classes and enjoying the days with my precious baby girl.  Of course, in the evening when my husband comes home, he takes her from me and won’t let go!

Thanks Sama Baby for making such pretty and practical items, and thanks to my friend for being so thoughtful and choosing a wonderful gift!

Here is a picture of my baby napping in her Sama baby gown.


Balance, Serenity, Fashion, SAMA


One Mom Against Eczema: Reviews Sama Clothing January 25, 2010

Recently Sama was reviewed by Cindy, a woman who is dedicated to providing information to others on how to treat and prevent eczema. Cindy is a Christian, wife, mom, homeschooler, lover of books, animals, learning, laughing and naps! For more information check out her blog:

Cindy is an expert on the subject. Her latest blog post reads:

I have always noticed that stress can cause more scratching. It has been evident with all our children with eczema that whenever they are upset or worried about something, they start scratching. They each have a particular place to scratch when they are upset. For Baby it is her neck and face, little man scratches his wrists and Eldest starts on his chin when he is worried about something……….. (to continue reading click link below)

Cindy’s review of Sama is below:

Baby wore her new Sama Baby Outfit to evening Church on Sunday. I failed to notice the first time around that there are cuffs on the sleeves like these that my mother in law sewed onto baby’s footie pjs. It is impossible to find these on anything but infant clothing, I thought that was awesome! You can fold the cuffs over to prevent the child from scratching, which is always good with eczema.

This clothing is so nice – adorable, so soft, clean up very well, very sturdy for my baby who is rough on clothes and makes me feel good to know that they are all organic and carefully prepared to be safe and non-irritating against baby’s sensitive skin. I would definitely recommend them to others.

The only thing that would hold me back is the prices. Honestly, for organic high quality clothes, they are priced very reasonably. The prices are less than what I have seen brand name non-organic clothes for, but with 6 children, we can’t afford to dress them all that well. But I may be able to add a couple pieces to her wardrobe. 🙂

For more on what products are good for children with eczema, how to treat the symptoms, or to ask your question, visit Cindy’s blog. She will kindly answer all of your questions:

To purchase Sama Baby products visit our online store at and click on shop.

Balance,Serenity, Fashion, SAMA

Sama Organic Denim Coming soon!!